Wednesday, February 22, 2012

And women and men can get yeast infections ...

Lack of hormone

Sometimes there are several reasons. Yeast infection (candidiasis) infections caused by yeast when yeast called Candida (CAN-di-Spirit) grows very much. Most people have a small amount of yeast in the mouth and intestines. Many healthy women yeast in the vagina. But sometimes this yeast grows too much and leads to yeast infection. Certain medicines such as cortisone

And women and men can get yeast infection in the mouth or throat, or tongue. When this happens, it is called "thrush." Bacterial vaginosis

cavitating pneumonia definition

(BV) A healthy vagina natural bacteria in them. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition caused by a change in the balance of different types of bacteria in the vagina. One of the most common types of bacteria called vaginal gardnerellas. Bacterial vaginosis is sometimes caused by sexual activity. This can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria that protect the vagina. Trichomoniasis Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. It is also known as "trichomoniasis". Trich is one of the most common causes of vaginitis. Learn more about. Allergies and irritants some women are allergic to things put in the vagina. Some items and chemicals remain in the vagina can cause irritation. And allergies and irritants can cause vaginitis. scented pads, pads, tampons or

scented soap, foam bath, or powder

latex diaphragms or wear tight pants, underwear, tights or without a cotton crotch

Lack of estrogen a woman some type of vaginitis is called "atrophic vaginitis". Atrophic vaginitis irritation in the strattera dosing vagina without discharge. It occurs when the level of estrogen decreases women. damage to the ovaries, or surgery to remove ovarian

Reducing estrogen makes the vaginal tissue dry and thin. It can also cause spotting. Estrogen creams and oral medicine can help. .

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